Our commitment to Safeguarding
The Raleigh Education Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and we expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
The safety and wellbeing of our pupils is of paramount importance
This Trust aims to create and maintain a safe environment
- We will manage situations should child welfare concerns arise
- We aim to create an atmosphere of trust in which pupils feel confident to confide any concerns
- We will help young people to understand the difference between acceptable and non – acceptable behaviour
- We will teach pupils to stay safe from harm
Useful Contact Details
Safeguarding Trustee:
Tom Shaw, Board Vice-Chairperson
Strategic accountability:
Sean Kelly, Chief Executive
Trust Operational Accountability:
Phil Willott, Director of Education
Bev Murray: Trust Safeguarding Lead
School accountability
LGB Hub oversight:
see individual school website for named governor
Operational accountability:
Academy Principal
Academy key contact:
Designated Senior Lead (DSL) for safeguarding and child protection:
Ambleside Academy: name and contact
email: safeguarding@ambleside.raleightrust.org
Woodlands Academy: name and contact
email: safeguarding@woodlands.raleightrust.org
Westbury Academy: name and contact
email: safeguarding@westbury.raleightrust.org
Denewood Academy: name and contact
email: safeguarding@denewood.raleightrust.org
Unity Academy: name and contact
email: safeguarding@unity.raleightrust.org
Resource Downloads
Useful Contact Details
Bev Murray (ADSL)
0115 8550100
E-mail: beverley.murray@raleighlearningtrust.co.uk
Children and Families Direct
0115 8764800
Life Living Disability Team
0115 8838266
0115 969 1300
CEREBRA (for children with brain conditions)
01267 244218
Family Lives (family support):
07715 375342 / Helpline 0808 800 2222
Family Fund (helping disabled children)
01904 621115
The Family Service (Nottingham City Council family support)
0115 804 1248
Parent Line:
0808 802 6666
Home Start Nottingham (Family Support)
0115 962 4262
Homelessness Prevention and Advice