Ambleside Academy has an active pupil council, which contributes to decision-making about aspects of whole school provision; leads key initiatives such as fundraising, or recycling; and feeds back pupil views to senior leaders.

There is an employability strategy for pupils in Year 6, who undergo a recruitment process to secure jobs such as Digital Leader, Playground Buddy and Administration Assistants. Year 6 pupils support our whole school reading culture within their roles as Pupil Librarians, taking care of book lending and returns, and organisation of the topic library; they can also run playtime clubs.

Year 5 pupils learn leadership of community within their Mini Police programme with the PCSOs, which includes traffic safety patrols and discussions with pupils and parents about road safety.
Children throughout school take on responsibilities such as class Behaviour Ambassadors, and responsibilities which help with classroom management so that no learning time is lost. Some pupils also act as Tiny Teachers to explain and reinforce key concepts to their peers.