Ambleside Academy is part of the Raleigh Education Trust. To view opportunities within the school and Trust, click on the link below.
Staff development and talent Management
At Ambleside Academy, we place high value on teamwork and the positive impact that this can have on the morale of a staff team and learning outcomes for pupils.
Our leadership motto is that ‘together our staff and pupils can achieve anything.’ This collaborative ethos and sense of shared accountability has proven a powerful tool for success. We have facilitated the growth of talented and capable middle leaders through targeted opportunity and professional development. Our staff work hard and have the drive, commitment, and inspirational practice to support colleagues and children to be the best that they can be.
Examples of our investment in, and development of people include: supporting staff to attain QTS via the apprenticeship route; hosting placements for BA and MA students; hosting Y10 work placements for ex-pupils; hosting college placements to support Health and Social Care NVQ students; recruitment of parents to site staff roles e.g. cleaning, then supporting them to attain supporting teaching and learning qualifications via additional volunteering and classroom placements while they complete their studies – this has been a professional development route for five of our current, now highly-skilled Teaching Assistants. We have teachers undertaking NPQs as well as NASENCO, with the offer of gaining qualifications open to all and facilitated though the Trust’s CPD offer.
Ambleside staff contribute more widely to pupil outcomes nationally too. One deputy headteacher is frequently invited to be a guest speaker at the education department of Derby University; and the other Deputy Headteacher provides support within the Trust’s diverse Academies to support Personal Development. The EYFS leader is a member of the LA agreement trialling team, and the English Leader is a KS1 moderator. The Deputy headteacher and EYFS leader were also deployed to lead CPD in the effective teaching of writing for a national MAT (Greenwood Academies Trust) following a visit by their Early Years Advisor and analysis of our successful and sustained EYFSP outcomes.
All our teachers are subject leaders or mentors. All our staff have the opportunity to contribute to Raleigh Education Trust networks. All our staff lead CPD for colleagues. Our team are skilled, valued and well-motivated: fully committed to the success of Ambleside Academy.